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What do the colours of the emoji hearts mean?

colours of hearts

You have probably included emoticons in your Whatsapp, Messenger or Facebook messages on more than one occasion. We all do it to emphasize the meaning of the messages we write.

Each emoji expresses different things. One of the most used is the emoji of the heart. This emoji comes in different colours and each one has its own symbolism and meaning.

If you still don’t know the difference between each of them, read on, you will surely be surprised.

Meaning of emoji heart colours

❤️ Red heart

Sending a red heart you emphasize the feeling of love, as well as the emotions connected with passion and romance. It is a symbol of love in its purest form.

🧡 Orange heart

The orange heart is a symbol of a feeling that is just beginning and has not yet matured. It is a symbol of the beginning of a promising and passionate relationship.

💛 Yellow heart

The yellow heart is a symbol of unconditional love, without lies or reticence. A less romantic love, but honest, pure. Used in the context of friendship, happiness and joy of life.

💚 Green heart

Green is a colour that represents youth, freshness and fertility. Love and the bond with nature. However, a green heart can also symbolise jealousy or the hope of a good solution.

💙 Blue heart

The blue heart is used to express the extinguished flame of passion, the lost sensuality. It is also the colour of trust, which means loyalty and friendship.

💜 Purple heart

The violet or purple heart is an impossible, hard to get, forbidden or hidden expression of love.

🖤 Black heart

A black heart expresses pain and sorrow. It refers to the loss of a loved one or the definitive separation of the lovers. It symbolizes the emptiness of the heart after the loss or the renunciation of love due to mourning.

🤎 Brown heart

It is the heart of chocolate or coffee lovers. A brown heart is also associated with the feeling of peace and attachment to the earth, nature in the broadest sense.

🤍 White heart

The white heart is a symbol of pure and innocent feeling. It is also a heart that has not suffered with strong emotions, both positive and negative.

💔 Broken heart

It is a symbol of separation, but also of the sadness caused by rejection. It expresses the pain or suffering after losing love through betrayal or rejection.

❣️ Heart exclamation

It is a symbol of power of love. The heart next to the exclamation mark emphasizes the emotions and feelings we feel for the sender.

💕 Two hearts

Love is in the air! It is an expression of affection and friendship, but two little hearts are also used as an expression of separate hearts, love at a distance or love from afar.

💞 Hearts turning around each other

Two hearts turning in circles represent the love between two people. Someone wants to deserve a place in your heart.

💓 Beating heart

A beating heart symbolizes the love you feel for another person. It is a symbol of a strong bond, feeling and life. If someone sends it to you, he/she wants to tell you that his/her heart is beating for you.

💗 Growing heart

A growing heart is a symbol of an ever deeper feeling, a love that is blossoming. Therefore, the heart is beating faster and faster.

💖 Shining heart (with stars)

The person who sends you such a heart wants to emphasize that he or she worships you. It is also a symbol of resurrected love with inexhaustible energy.

💘 Perforated heart

If a heart has been pierced with Cupid’s arrow, its owner is desperately in love.

💝 Heart with a bow

The person who sent you a heart with a bond wants to give you his love, he wants to be with you and spend his life together.

💟 Heart-shaped decoration

The decorative version of the heart symbol symbolises the love, favour and affection of your interlocutor.